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How can I do self-analysis? ( 8 benefits of self-analysis).

What is self-analysis?

Self-analysis is a systemic process attempt by an individual to understand personality, thought, emotions, desires, fears etc. It is a daily life skill and it improves the people from inside.

How can you do self-analysis?

1. Self-reflection: Sit with yourself and think about your emotions, feelings, experiences and interactions.

2. Journaling: Make a journal to write your thoughts and ideas. This will give you idea about your thought patterns and will help you to deepen your understanding of yourself.

3. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts and emotions. This will make you more aware about the present moment and you can observe your thoughts without labelling them as positive or negative.

4. Questioning: Questioning is the beginning of intelligence. So ask question to yourself what your fears and desires are. Also, ask yourself why you react in a certain way in some particular situations.

What are the benefits of self-analysis?

1. Self-awareness: It helps the individuals in understanding their thoughts, feelings, emotions etc.

2. Self-growth: Individuals can notice their week areas in personality through self-analysis and they can work on those areas and can make their personality more better.

3. Decision-making: It can improve one’s decision-making ability by understanding his bias and values.

4. Relationships: Self-analysis improves one’s relationships with others by analyzing one’s behaviour and thinking patterns.

5. Goal-setting: By understanding strengths and weaknesses, individual can set realistic goals.

6. Development: Self-analysis increases self confidence, improves leadership skill and makes better career development.

7. Increase creativity: By exploration of thoughts, feelings and emotions the individuals become more creative and new ideas come into their mind.

8. Problem-solving: After analyze problems and thought process the individuals can easily find solutions to that problems.



In conclusion, self-analysis is a powerful tool for self growth and improvement. It is very important for all over well-being of human beings. It makes life purposeful. So, it must be a part of our lives.

Read also- How thoughts create reality.

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